Warning.  This is a long post.  My husband is doubtful people will want to read through this monstrous amount of text ;) (he’s concise, I’m wordy, we balance each other out)…But I’m hoping you’ll prove him wrong, because you just might find yourself relating to some of what i’m about to say. I’m going to be transparent here, and a little on the vulnerable side, and let you in on a secret.  
We all have doubts. We all in one way or another struggle with “buts” (not to be confused with butts...cuz that just gets weird) and these "buts", well they get in the way, and can be quite detrimental to our personal growth…  Let me explain.  When trying to decide if I should become a Rodan+Fields consultant I came up with a lot of buts… and here are a few of them.  
But 1. I’m a stay at home mom with two young kids, and one on the way. When will I find time to run a business on the side?  
But 2. I’m a speech pathologist, NOT a dermatologist (this was a big but).  
But 3. I am not a salesy person.  I’m not so sure network marketing/direct sales is my thing, and what will people think of me?!?!?   

Well, with those negative filled but’s came one positive… But. what. if???? 
1. I was able to do both.  Be a hands-on, present, stay at home mom while owning a business?  What if I was able to do something for ME, feel professionally fulfilled, provide some income, and be at home for my kids.  What if I could make my “work” schedule fit around MY family, vs the other way around. 
2. News flash, those people in department stores (maceys, nordstroms, sephora, ulta) selling skin care products aren’t dermatologists either!!!! and you get WAY more support, training and resources with R+F than they do.  Also, if you're like me you've experienced the frustration of having to sit in a waiting room for an unreasonable amount of time to then spend half that meeting with the actual medical professional.  If you order a prescription and it's not a good fit, well it’s doubtful your insurance is going to reverse the claim on a product you just “didn’t like,” then you’re back in that waiting room at the next available appointment, and who knows when that will be.  
So, what if I could partner with two of the most well known, reputable dermatologists out there and offer premium, clinically tested skin care products delivered right to my customers doorstep.  Not only that but what if my customers could try it for 60 days with zero risk, and a full money back guarantee if they didn't love it? What if I could could remove some of the frustrations by being available to my clients night and day, with all the needed resources, and support to answer questions, and provide solutions.  What if I could truly change someones appearance, confidence, even life?   
Lastly, it doesn’t really matter what your profession is wether you’re a teacher, fitness instructor, lawyer, whatever that may be… Just because we are one thing doesn't mean we can't be another.  In fact we should be lots of things.  We as people are not meant to fit into little square boxes.  We should all strive to be more dynamic, constantly evolving, growing, changing, expanding.   Yes, I will always be a speech pathologist (a certification I am proud to hold, and will still use to this day), but what if working in sales, helping others, leading, and building a team became a true passion of mine, and added a new element to my life?
3. I don’t have to be a salesy person.  I just have to be ME. That’s it. I’m the type of person who loves sharing things I’m interested in/passionate about, so rather than selling what if I shared with no strings attached, no pressure, no hidden agenda? 
THOSE what if's sound a whole lot more empowering than my initial but’s. 
The next time you find yourself doubting, this isn’t specific to my R+F journey, I’m pretty sure this applies to all areas of life, try putting those but's behind you (pun intended) and instead try saying what if.


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